
xilei 发布于 2023-6-13 11:52:00

有一位圣地亚哥男子厌倦了生活在普通国家,于是他创建了自己的国家,取名为“Slowjamastan”,并自封为国王! 自封为Slowjamastan过往的Randy Williams告诉CNN他曾访问了世界上每一个联合国认可的国家:“我去遍了所有的国家,所以我创造了自己的国家,”他说道。这个微型国家位于南加利福尼亚78号公路旁边的一片11.07英亩的沙漠土地上。它的正式名称是Slowjamastan共和国,以其领导者对慢节奏音乐的热爱而得名。CNN报道称,Slowjamastan拥有自己的国旗、货币和国歌,并于2021年12月1日宣布脱离美国正式宣告其主权地位。视频是ABC的报道。

A San Diego man got sick of living in a regular country so he founded a nation of his own called Slowjamastan and crowned himself its sultan!

Randy Williams, the self-appointed sultan of Slowjamastan, told CNN that he had visited every UN-recognized county in the world: "I ran out of countries, so I created my own," he said.

The micronation is an 11.07-acre plot of desert land off Southern California's Route 78. Its official name is the Republic of Slowjamastan, named for its leader's love of slow jams.

CNN reported that Slowjamastan — which has its own flag, currency, and national anthem — declared its sovereign status and seceded from the US proper on December 1, 2021.



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